Sandip Makhmale, Pritam Bhutada, Lokesh Yadav and B.K. Yadav
Climate and weather play a predominant role in crop growth and productivity. Climate decides the crop habitat while crop habitat depends on genotype and phenotype. Air temperature and rainfall influence vegetative and phenological phases in Mango and are two of the most important factors determining suitability of an areaâs climate for Mango production. Climate-related changes have already brought widespread changes in flowering and fruiting patterns of Mango. This is adversely affecting fruit production in some areas. But rising temperature in areas previously too cold for Mango production are making them more suitable for Mango production. For instance, an increase in temperature during coldest month has made Mango cultivation possible in the valley areas of Himachal Pradesh. Rain fall is crucial for Mango so the monthly and annual rainfall is of prime importance for growth and development of Mango fruit. Rains during flowering are harmful to Mango causing total failure sometimes. Some adaption measures are important and help to face the climate change and increased the Mango production. Matching crop varieties to climate is an important activity for profitable mango production in traditional and newer areas.