Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 22, Dec 2016 Suppl. Issue

Page Number: 461-466


S. K. Lad, S. A. More2, B. D. Shinde and M. M. Mane


The Biology of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri (Mulsant) on mealy bug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) was studied during winter and summer season of 2010-2111. During winter, the average pre mating period and mating period was 7.9 ± 1.85 and 14.60 ± 3.85 days, respectively. Whereas, during summer the average pre mating period was 8.8 ± 2.48 days and mating period was15.60 ± 3.68 days. The average pre oviposition and oviposition period was 8.4 ± 2.01 and 58.4 ± 9.02 days, respectively with fecundity 229.7 ± 78.12 eggs during winter. Whereas, in summer the average pre oviposition period was 8.5 ± 2.17 days and oviposition period was 58.5 ± 9.02 days with fecundity 255 ± 56.66 eggs. The average incubation period was 6.4 ± 1.40 days and 6.8 ± 1.81 days, respectively during winter and summer. Whereas, hatching percentage was 86 ± 6.99 and 88 ± 6.32 per cent, respectively during the same periods. During winter, the development of first, second, third and fourth instar grub of C. montrouzieri took 5 to 7 days, 3 to 5 days, 4 to 6 days and 5 to 8 days, respectively. While, in summer the development of first, second, third and fourth instar grub of C. montrouzieri was completed in 5 to 8, 3 to 7, 4 to 6 and 5 to 9 days, respectively. During winter, the average pre pupal period was 1.5 ± 0.52 days and the pupal period was 10.3 ± 1.63 days. While in summer the average pre pupal period was 1.6 ± 0.52 days and the pupal period was 11.4 ± 2.72 days. During winter, the male adult without food when reared on M. hirsutus survived for 6 to 10 days while, female for 7 to 12 days. Whereas, longevity of male with food ranged from 52 to 75 days and that of female was 55 to 88 days. In summer, the longevity of male adult without food was in the range of 6 to 13 days while, the longevity of female was 5 to 14 days. The longevity of male with food ranged from 46 to 80 days and female ranged from 52 to 84 days. There was not much variation observed in sex ratio, it was 1: 1.08 in winter and 1: 1.17 in summer.

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