The sustainable development in the industrial sector leading to the drastic changes in the environmental aspects and is of prime necessity to mitigate the adverse effects. The aromatic compounds with hydroxyl groups have widespread contribution in plant kingdom owing to their color, flavors and their excellent resistance to diseases and pests in plants. Presence of higher amounts of polyphenols increases the resistance of plants to bird attack. However, phenolic compounds are found hazardous and they enter the environment through various channels of waste water discharges. Conventional treatment technologies for the removal of phenolic impurities are less economical than that of biological methods. Biodegradation techniques have been found potential to mineralize phenolic compounds to maximum extent and with out possibility of secondary pollution. The prime object of this paper is to study the efficacy of free cells of a microorganism, Halobacterium cutirubrum for the biodegradation of certain phenolic compounds; phenol, resorcinol, orcinol and p-cresol (commonly called X here after) from aqueous solutions. The experimental data highlight that the degradation of phenolic compounds is structural dependant and proceeds via a fast generated intermediate. The influence of various factors viz., pH and initial concentration of biomass were verified to optimize the process. A suitable mechanism is proposed for the degradation of the compounds.