Biomonitoring of the Chathe River of Dimapur area (Nagaland, India) was conducted for one year in 2015 to assess the quality of water of the stream. An incorporated approach was polished to screen the nature of the stream through an examination of physical parameters, chemical parameters and macroinvertebrate community structure of the waterway. Physical parameters and chemical parameters were researched to discover the distinctions for various study territories and furthermore to discover their impact on developing the macroinvertebrate assemblage in the Chathe River. Macroinvertebrate assemblage were researched with the assistance of their percent composition (density), taxa richness, EPT%, EPT taxa richness and different diversity indices like Shannon diversity index(H), Simpson diversity index(1-D), Brillouin diversity index(HB), Margalef diversity index (Ma), McIntosh diversity index (Mc), Simpson dominance index (D), Pielou evenness index (J), McIntosh evenness index(McE). Macroinvertebrate family biotic index (FBI) was figured after Hilsenhoffâs tolerance values for macroinvertebrate families. Canonical correlation analysis (CCorA) was directed between macroinvertebrate diversity indices and physicochemical parameters, to screen the level of impact of physicochemical factors in connection to the spread of macroinvertebrate diversity to assess the status of the river. The diversity was found to be strongly associated with dissolved oxygen, pH, water temperature, BOD and turbidity. It was also revealed that diversity of species is better associated with species richness than evenness, and richness is negatively associated with species evenness. Moreover, macroinvertebrate taxa richness, EPT%, EPT taxa richness and FBI score of the Chathe River has exposed the decent nature of the river.