Immunomodulatory effect of Strychonous potatorum seed in fish, Cyprinus carpio were screened by estimating various immunological parameters of blood like B cell counts, T cell counts and plaque forming assay. Plant immunostimulants were secondary metabolites, which increase resistance of host against infectious agents. S. potatorum seed extracts 0.1 mg /mL (hexane, butanol, ethanol, chloroform and water) were prepared and immunized in juvenile stage (25-30 g) of Cyprinus carpio. After administration of test extracts B-Lymphocytes counts using rosette forming assay performed after third weeks. It revealed increment significance in test extracts than control animal. Butanol and ethanol extracts had more or less similar impact on B-cell estimations. Effect of test extracts in direct spleenic plaque forming cells showed a increment in secondary plaque forming cells in the first 3 weeks and a time and dose-dependent increase in primary and secondary PFC response. Similarly, T cell was play a vital component in cell mediated immune response, gets enhanced due to exposure of test extracts. Immune response enhancing the production of T cells due to active compounds obtained in plant extracts. A better understanding of the relationship between immune cells to active compounds of plant based substances needed to control various kinds of diseases. This information will be required as vaccines move towards licensure. In vivo protection studies in animals may be able to help interpret the significance of antibody responses.