Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 25, Issue 2 2019

Page Number: 907-912


Kuanysh Nygmanovich Syzdykov, Zhaxygali Batyrgaleyevich Kuanchaleyev, Ainur Serikbaevna Assylbekova, Eldar Berikuly Marlenov and Suyundyk Erlanovich Mussin


Over the recent years, Kazakhstan and foreign countries have been paying a lot of attention to using commercial fish farming at geothermal sources. The exploitability of this area is enormous, because it creates opportunities to manage fish production regardless of climatic conditions. The scientific novelty of the study is that this is the first time when Kazakhstan will develop fish and technological processes of breeding new aquaculture objects at geothermal sources. The aim hereof is to study and develop optimal terms and conditions for breeding Tilapia and African catfish at geothermal sources. According to the results of the study, the main types of fish that are suitable for breeding at geothermal sources have been defined. During the study, the hydrochemical regime was optimized by reducing the carbon dioxide gas more than 20 times and doubling oxygen, which had a positive effect on the growth of tilapia and the African catfish, where the tilapia grew by 7.5 %, and the African catfish grew by 8.6 %. The main biological indicators for the fish bredat geothermal sources have been defined.

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