Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 25, Aug Suppl. Issue, 2019

Page Number: S79-S83


Donny M. Bessie, Umbu P.L. Dawa, Wilson L. Tisera, Alfred G.O. Kase and Fanny I. Ginzel


Mangrove forests are commonly grown in brackish aquatic swamps along shorelines and affected by tidal seawater. Mangroves grow in places where there is puddling and organic material accumulation. In general,mangroves are well-develop in areas that are protected from the onslaught of the waves, or in the mouth of the river where the water flow slows down and deposits the mud they carry from the upstream. The mangrove community has a contribution in supporting fisheries production, but the increasing human need to transform mangrove ecosystem into residential, industrial, and recreation areas has caused economic and ecological conflict of interest. Therefore, this study aims to analyse community structure of mangrove to become a source of information and data in supporting the management of fisheries resources in RoteNdao Regency. The method used was survey method which is direct observation of mangrove vegetation and community activity in the utilization of mangrove. This study found 8 species of mangroves, where the mangrove density was rarely densely packed with density ranged between 8-2,500 trees/hectare. The types of Sonneratia alba and Rhyzophora apiculata were the types that have great influence on the mangroves community in Rote Ndao District.